I adopted Oliver back in mid-July.
Initially I thought it wasn't going to work as Henry was jealous, Cooper kept jumping on Henry, etc. It took about a week and a half and then they just seemed to settle down with each other. I figured we were going to be okay when Henry started to initiate some play with Cooper.
The real bonding experience, though, came about a week or so later. I had joked with friends that Cooper needed to learn Henry's "death to all vermin" strategy (slow and deliberate) instead of just bounding right at them. Well, it seems he did. While off leash in my courtyard, they teamed up and caught & killed a pigeon. It happened fast, all I heard was a loud squawk & saw a "poof" of flying feathers and it was over. I swear, it was like one of those PBS nature programs where they show the lionesses working together to bring down gazelles. Afterward, Henry brought me -- there is no delicate way to say this -- a chunk (I was pretty disgusted and I stayed away from poultry for awhile...).
THEN (its been an exciting four months...), Cooper figured out how to get around the baby-gate that I put up on the porch in nice weather to keep the pups for going downstairs whenever they wanted. Well, I started to put big potted plants in his way to stop him, so he just started LAUNCHING himself off my porch to land on the steps 4 feet below. Amazing, since he wouldn't even go up or down them to begin with. Up went some chicken-wire fencing...
Had a friend over one day last month, on one of those last sunny days we had. We were sitting on the porch having gin and tonics. We stepped inside so I could show him something and when we came back out we discovered Cooper had drunk (by climbing up onto the table) one of the drinks and was in the midst of eating a lime wedge.
Coop's favorite activity is definitely playing catch with tennis balls or running around the dog park with Henry, but I think he gets great joy from uprooting a palm tree I have (he's done it 4 times so far). Once he pushed the palm tree completely out of its pot and I found him laying, curled up on the remaining dirt.
So, I have decided Cooper is not a dog, but Huckleberry Finn, Evel Knievel and the Tazmanian devil (with a bit of a drinking problem) all rolled into one...
But its going well, and Henry and I are pretty happy he is with us. See the photos attached.
Thank you for your help with the adoption. Hope all is well with you and Heartland. Best wishes! --patrick