Listed below are a few of the wonderful Pet Assisted Therapy organizations in our area
Rainbow Animal Assisted Therapy
Morton Grove , IL, 847-581-0233
Adventures with Bailey
Adventures With Bailey (AWB) is a volunteer Illinois Not-For-Profit 501(c)(3)
public charity serving Chicago ’s North Shore to provide animal assisted therapy
and related animal-based activity free of charge.
Love on a Leash!
The Love on a Leash organization provides training and evaluation for therapy pets and
their owners, works to increase public awareness of the value of therapy pets, and
provides and supervises therapy pet visitations at nursing homes, hospitals, libraries
and schools. Our volunteers work one-on-one with patients, residents and students. We
bring smiles and happy memories to those in need of comfort. No matter where we
go, our goal is the same: to provide a moment of joy and and the connection that
only a pet can provide.
Canine Therapy Corps
Since 1991, Canine Therapy Corps volunteers and their certified therapy dogs have been serving the Chicago metropolitan area, working with health care, education, and social services professionals and helping people recover from physical and emotional trauma. Canine Therapy Corps customizes and tailors our programs to meet the therapeutic objectives of the special needs population served.
Assisi Animal Foundation and Shelter: Pet Therapy Program
An animal shelter based in Crystal Lake , Illinois also has a pet visitation program. While cats are often used in therapy programs I can't remember a site that uses both cats and dogs , but pictures mostly cats. This is good, as it reminds people that cats can do it too.
Edward Hospital & Health Servies Pet Therapy Program
This program serves Edward Hospital & Health Services in Naperville , IL . Teams undergo 12 hrs of specific training and then certification from Therapy Dogs , Inc.
Sit Stay Read!
SIT STAY READ! is a volunteer reading assistance dog program for children in the Chicago area. Their mission is to improve literacy skills and foster a love of animals by partnering reading assistance dogs with children.